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Winter Garden Views in January

I asked my Facebook fans to share their Winter Garden Views and also to tell me where they lived so we could all get an idea of how the country looks in January in various parts of the country.

The weather outside does not lend itself to gardening right now unless you are fond of growing plants indoors in winter. We recently had a snow storm that dumped about three inches here in North Carolina.  

Looking over my snow-soaked garden gave me the idea to have a share day on my Facebook page. These winter garden views, from the USA, Canada and the UK show that there are some stark differences and lots of similarities when you look outside your window in winter. These photos are shared by readers of my blog. Why not share your photo too?

It’s interesting to see how a variety of the country looks on the same day around the country (and around the world, in some cases!)

From the Northwest to the Deep South, and from Canada to the UK, winter has both similarities and stark differences.

Let’s Start the tour of these Winter Garden Views with my back garden.

Nandinia bushes near a planter in Raleigh, NC.

To be honest, I don’t remember planting this Nandina shrub in my back garden. But when it snows here in Raleigh, North Carolina, I am glad that I have it to add color to my winter garden scene.

It produces red berries in the winter and is a great cold hardy perennial for color in the winter months.Turkeys finding food in the snow in Osage Bend Missouri

Imagine looking out your back door and watching turkeys feeding in the snow? That is what Rita F sees in Osage Bend, Missouri when she looks outside!

Seed pods covered in snow in Northwest Connecticul

This lovely scene shows why leaving seed pods in a winter garden is a good idea.  Even though they are topped with snow, there is still something for the birds to feed from.

This photo was shared Lori B from Northwest, Connecticut

Dog romping in the snow in Grand Forkes, BC, Canada

My friend Jacki C from Grand Forks, BC, Canada must really love watching her dog Bracken romping in the snow!  

He looks like is is very used to the it, since they often get a blast from Mother Nature!
Winter snow covered greenhouse Michigan.
I would give my eye teeth to look out my back door and see a green house covered in snow.  And look at the difference that the scene makes in the summer months:

Same green house in summer in Michigan
Both of these images are just amazing. Thanks to Tonya K for sharing her Michigan summer and winter garden views.

Cardinals in the trees in winter in Grand Lake Oklahoma.

Connie S from Grand Lake, Oklahoma shared this wonderful winter photo of all these cardinals in the trees outside her home.  

What a treat it must have been to see them!
Snowed in in New Jersey
I think we can safely say that Tracey Z from New Jersey was snowed when this photo was taken five years ago! I remember scenes like that when I lived in Maine!

A snow covered pine tree in Ontario Canada

Mother Nature knew what she was doing when she created sturdy trees like this snow laden tree outside  Angela M’s yard in Ontario, Canada.  

Trees like this can take a blast of Mother Nature in stride.Light snow covered yard in Salford, England

Karen P, from Salford, England has shared this photo of her back yard with us.  That photo has so many similarities to my yard during the winter months.  

Just enough snow to be pretty but not be a nuisance!
Winter scene from Phoenix Arizona

Lest we forget that not all winter garden views are covered in snow, Liz M share her winter photo from Phoenix, Arizona.  

You can ALMOST tell it’s winter!
Snow covered scene in Chino Valley Arizona.

This is such a wistful looking scene. It’s almost as thought the reindeer are thinking how long it will be until they grace the yard again!  

Shared by Denise W. in Chino, Valley, Arizona.  That is quite a stark difference from Phoenix, Denise!
Winter wonderland scene in Southington Ohio

Rounding up this gallery of Winter Garden Views is this amazing photo shared by Janice P in Southington, Ohio.  When I think of the words “winter wonderland” this is the sort of photo that comes to mind!Winter scene from Delta Colorado - Western slope of the Rockies.

One of my readers, Mona T. just shared this photo from Delta,Colorado taken in January.  Delta is on the Western slope of the Rockies.  Thanks for sharing it Mona!  So lovely…

Do you have a photo that you would like to share for my Winter Garden Views Gallery?  Just upload it to your comment below.

Be sure to tell me where the photo comes from so that I can add that information to the gallery.

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Mona T

Monday 23rd of January 2017

This was Jan.6, 2017. We had 6 1/2" snow. This is Delta, CO on the western slope of the Rockies


Monday 23rd of January 2017

What a beautiful scene Mona. Thanks for sharing it. I have included it in the photo gallery above! Carol

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