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Vegetable Gardens – Favorites from my Facebook Fans

Growing vegetables  is one of the true joys of summer for me. It appears the same is true of my Facebook fans, from the look of these vegetable gardens.

One of my favorite things to do on my Facebook page The Gardening Cook, is to ask my fans to share their favorite photos from their gardens.

This time, my request was for vegetable garden harvests that they were proud of.  Some also shared pictures of their entire garden. 

Hopefully, these photos will inspire you to spend time time in a vegetable garden this year, too!

Tomato that sprouted in a fruit bowl.Enjoy these Vegetable Gardens and Share yours Too!

Page fan Kris Keller Gause shared this photo of her tomato that sprouted in her fruit bowl.  How cool is that?

Vegetable gardens from the fans of The Gardening CookIf you have a garden harvest or veggie garden photo that you would like to share, please go to The Gardening Cook on Facebook and upload the image to the page.

My favorites will be included in various articles on my site and I will mention that the images were shared by you.

Here are some of my favorites. Some of these people really have very green thumbs!

Lone tomato!Page fan Mary Lockwood just shared this.

She says: “This is the photo of the only tomato on this plant. There are blossoms though. All the other plants have multiple fruit. Just thought I’d share as it is huge.”

Tomato harvest!Page fan Rena Barkley Vance shared her tomato harvest.  After my squirrel adventure, and problems with tomato leaf curling and  bottom end rot, I am so jealous!

Vegetable HarvestBrad Whittaker shared this one. What a great haul!  His daughter looks like a budding gardener!

Vegetable harvestWanda Foster got a great haul the other day.  Look at the potatoes!

Veggie gardenVeggie garden vegetable gardenFrank Halerz posted these three garden photos. His garden rivals mine and he has fruit trees too!  Way to go Frank!

Veggie garden progressBernie-Nancy Godfrey shared this photo that shows the progress of their garden. The black weed cloth really keeps the weeds down!

Kelly Bear olive treesKelly Bear shared this photo of her two large olive trees.  I had these when I lived in Australia and they are fabulous.

Veggie gardenDom Baccha says this is “small but mighty.”  I would call it mighty!  Great looking garden Dom.

Fan garden from 2012These two images were shared by a reader of this website, Kathleen Kelsey. 

This is her garden from a few years ago.   Looks as though someone has a great green thumb.  Thanks for sharing these Kathleen.

Herb Garden on a Deck

This is a photo from my vegetable deck garden.  I grew tons of vegetables last year all in containers with great success.

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