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Pink Flowers – The Best Flowering Pink Annuals and Perennials for Your Garden

Pink flowers are soft and romantic looking in a garden bed. They are often seen in cottage gardens and there are so many varieties of them that it’s hard to pick favorites.

I am a romantic at heart.  One would never think it to look at me.  I’m a rugged girl and my nails usually have dirt under them from digging in my garden.

But I love girly romantic things – especially pink ones.  Having something pink in my garden is no exception.

I also enjoy always having cut flowers in vases in my home and the pink ones are so pretty.

These pink flowers are stunners in a summer garden. Get some more ideas for pink flowers on The Gardening Cook

If you enjoy motivational sayings on photos of pretty flowers, be sure to have a look at my inspirational flower quotes page.

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Do  you want to grow an English cottage garden? You can't go wrong with pink flowers. Head to The Gardening Cook for some inspiration. Share on X

Pink Flowers for the Romantic and Romantic at Heart

A garden with pink flowers just cries out “English Cottage Garden to me” and seems so soft and feminine. With so many shades of pink available, one might think that they would clash in the garden, but this doesn’t seem to be the case.

All types of plants, from perennials, to biennials and annuals offer shades of pink flowers to choose from. Which is your favorite?  Here are some images of pink flowers that are favorites of mine.

Sweet William comes in many shades of pink

Sweet William

The smaller pink flowers of Sweet William come in so many shades of pink that there is sure to be one to your liking. The smaller plants have a mounding habit.

The taller version has larger flowers. These are not as winter-hardy but have a gorgeous flower clump that makes it worth trying to grow.

See my tips for Sweet William here.

Pink mandevilla plant


This vining plant will add a touch of the tropics to any garden setting. Mandevilla is an annual in most hardiness zones, so you can grow it in a pot and bring it indoors if you live in the colder zones.

See my tips for growing mandevilla here.

Pink rhododendron in full flower


If you are searching for a shrub with pink flowers that will be a focal point in a garden bed, try growing rhododendrons. This perennial gives me a magnificent show every spring.

Fan flower with pink blooms.

Fan Flower

Native to Australia, scaevola aemula is a plant that can really take the heat. The most popular color is blue but it also comes in lovely pink shades.

The flowers are shaped like fans and look as though they have been torn in half. Find out how to grow fan flowers here.

Bernice Ikins waterlily

Bernice Ikins Waterlily

Waterlilies are a tuberous aquatic plant that grows in water.  Both the leaves and flowers sit above the water level.  The plant is a member of the nymphaecaceae family.

Be sure to check out my visit to the International Waterlily Collection in San Angelo, Texas for more photos of these plants that live in water.

Butterfly bush with monarch butterfly

Butterfly Bush

 If you want to attract Monarchs to your garden, try growing Butterfly bush (buddlea). This plant is a magnet for them! Butterfly weed and Joe Pye Weed are also good choices.

Pink Geranium is an easy to grow summer annual


This pink geranium is an easy-to-care-for summer annual that has big vibrant blooms all summer long. My mother grew geraniums every year in pots that she had on her patio.

They also look great in the garden but are not winter-hardy in most zones. They are still worth growing for the show they provide though!

Pictures of pink flowers - Peony


Cottage gardeners are fond of peonies because of their magnificent blooms. This one has shades from pale pink through to vibrant hot pink.  What a garden star!

Variegated Pink Rose


No garden of pink flowers would be complete without roses in it.  This variegated pink rose is a stunner that stands out in any garden setting. (See more variegated roses here.)

Pink spotted Oriental Lily

Oriental Lily

You may only get a few weeks of this amazing lily every spring, but it is worth growing such a magnificent bloom to get a flower like this in your garden! See more pictures of lilies in my garden here.

The bees love pink coneflower


If you want bees in your garden, try growing some coneflowers.

The bees will love to feast on those mounds of orange that sit atop the bright pink petals.  Be sure to leave the flower heads in the fall, too. The winter birds love them!

Did you know that there are more colors of coneflower than the common purple variety? Find out about the varieties of coneflower here.

Pink azalea flowers will bloom in early spring


If you have ever taken a trip to the South in early spring, you’ll likely have seen masses of azalea bushes lush and full of their pink flowers.

This pink flowering shrub should be pruned after flowering since the buds for flowers next year will be setting right after that.

Pink sweet pear has a vining habit and scented flower

Sweet Peas

This summer flowering annual grows up to 24 inches. It has a vining habit much like garden peas and a lovely scented flower. Each petal looks almost like a tiny iris!

Moss verbena is a a pretty pink flowering perenniaal

Moss Verbana

This pretty perennial will grow to 1 foot tall. It has spreading stems with beautiful pink flowers.

Daylily Earth Wind and Fire


Pink lily flowers are stars in a garden bed. This variety of daylily has pink curled petals with a yellow throat. It is called Earth Wind and Fire and is a stunner in the garden.

It is a perennial that comes back year after year.  See my growing tips here.

Pink Astilbe -shade loving perennial


Pink flowering plants can be found in shady garden spots, too!

This shade loving perennial is also known as goat’s beard. It is easy to see why when you look at the shape of the flowers!  See tips for growing astilbe here.Pink gladiolus is often grown for cut lfowers


This summer flowering perennial bulb is prized for its showy blooms.  They make wonderful cut flowers.

The taller varieties need staking in the garden bed.  See growing tips for gladiolus here.

Foxgloves are loved by hummingbirds


This biennial has a two-year lifespan but is a rampant self-seeder so you are likely to always have in it your garden after starting with one plant. Both hummingbirds and bees love this plant.

See how to grow foxglove here.

Hollyhocks are a staple in cottage gardens


If you are looking for soft and romantic pink perennial flowers, you can’t beat hollyhocks. This pretty summer flowering perennial is often seen in cottage gardens. It is easily grown from seed and very showy. See how to grow hollyhocks.

If you are a romantic at heart, try a few of these perennials, annuals, and biennials in your garden this summer. Their pretty colors will delight you.

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These perennials, biennials and annuals all have shades of pink flowers that will delight.

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Sherry Houser

Monday 8th of July 2013

I live on the middle of the west coast of Florida, what are the best flowers to plant that bloom the longest?


Monday 8th of July 2013

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