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Fall Foliage – Garden Fences and Gates in Autumn

Is fall foliage at its peak where you live? Here in NC, the colors are ablaze. 

Fall blooming perennials and annuals are available, but nature gives us a pop of color each year naturally.

In these photos garden fences and gates, surrounded by the colorful fall leaves, tell the story of the change of seasons beautifully.The colors of fall foliage add a backdrop to these garden fences and gates. Mother Nature at her best! #fallfoliage #gardenfences

I was born in Maine and fall has always been my time of the year.  Nature turns on a display for several weeks each autumn to give us scenery that literally takes our breath away.

I thought it would be fun to share some of my favorite photos of fall foliage, but with a twist. Each photo also features garden fences and gates in some way.

Enjoying garden fences and gates in the midst of colorful fall foliage.

Gardeners know that nature is amazing all year round. But for me, those few weeks in autumn when the colors of leaves are at their most bright are a personal favorite.

Combining those colors with garden gates and fences just adds more beauty to the photos.

I love the simplicity of this photo.  A stately maple tree is the focus of the photo, but my eyes are drawn to those simple posts that line the edge of the road. 

I’d love to hear the sound of those fallen leaves under my feet as I took a walked along that roadway.Autumn fence posts and fallen leaves

Not all fall foliage needs to be colorful, as this photo shows. This black and white image lets us know it’s fall and the morning mist puts me in a Halloween mood.  I love the rustic fence that lines the field. 

Those park benches would be the perfect seating area to sit and wonder about nature.Autumn mist with park benches and fence

I love the two tone coloring in this photo with the tree leaves so yellow and the fallen leaves below in shade, making them look so rust colored.

The small bridge fence makes me wonder what is right around that corner.Fall foliage and bridge fence

The bright reddish leaves that surround this rusty garden gate seem to tell the story of age. Their color coordinates well with the rusted color on the garden gate.Red leaves near a rusty gateThis photo was caught just as the fall foliage was starting. I love the rustic look of the fence against the green color of the field.field and rustic fence

Garden fences can keep you out or draw you inside.  In this photo the open gate seems to welcome you to explore the fall foliage in the area beyond. 

The colors of the wood on the fence makes it seem like a cold fence and gate in fall

Yellow autumn leaves and a stunning but simple metal fence gives this photo a wistful look. It’s the perfect spot for a late afternoon walk.

At the end of the season, most of the leaves on the ground take on a similar color.  Nature is just wonderful!Fall foliage in the midst of yellow leaves

I think it’s safe to say that his fence faces north, don’t you?  The green moss that appears on the side of the fence rails gives an eerie look to the photo and the fallen leaves adds some softness to the stark look of the fence.

Simple and so effective!Fence post and fallen leaves

The colors of the leaves of these trees is just stunning! It is as though Mother Nature took out her paintbrush and dabbed away.  I love the simplicity of the fence that lines the roadway. 

We have a park nearby that has a very similar look and it’s one of my favorite places to walk. The hint of blue green peeking through from behind just adds to the palette of colors.Autumn leaves in stunning colors

This photo shows the starkness of the natural rock in a bridge underpass along the Blue Ridge Parkway.  We traveled over a big part of this parkway during our summer vacation.

It takes on a whole new look in the fall.Blue Ridge Parkway in the fall

The aged gray and white color of this roadway fence goes right along with the muted colors of the autumn leaves in the distance. 

There are so many different colors that the scene looks dappled. Rustic road side fence in autumn

This amazing photo is majestic.  The deep red color of the leaves conjure up the thought of blood and the deep brown color of the metal fence seems to be the perfect entry point. 

What wonders are on the other side?Deep brown metal fence and blood red leaves

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What is even better than photos of the colors of fall foliage? Why those photos also showing garden fences and gates. Head to The Gardening Cook for some fall inspiration. Share on X

National fall foliage week was September 27 to October 3.  But not all areas of the country have peak week at this time.

This map gives fall foliage predictions for the whole of the USA. When is your peak leaf week?

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