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Creative Garden Art

Turn everyday items from around the house to make these creative garden art creations.

Garden containers can cost an arm and a leg if you purchase it from garden centers.  But this does not have to be the case.

It is easy to create instant interest in the garden by making use of recycled or common household items and turning them into garden art.

Garden Art can be very expensive at a garden center. But with a bit of creativity and a few common recycled household items, you can turn trash to treasure in no time.

I love to make creative garden art for my yard using household items that were first intended for other purposes.

It is easy to create a pop of interest in your yard with garden art made from recycled or inexpensive materials.

Many of these ideas can be done quickly and easily using items that might otherwise end up on the trash heap.  A coat of paint and a bit of creativity can turn unwanted items into interesting garden art.

You will also have the knowledge that you made these garden decorations yourself when someone admires them.

This pretty succulent display is made from an old wooden drawer with compartments in it. The project is very easy to make and only cost me $3!Succulent planter box display

Old bird cages make wonderful planters for succulents.  They are very low maintenance and look great on a patio table or as a hanging planter.

See the tutorial for this succulent bird cage planter here.

Yellow bicycle planted with purple flowers.

Old bicycles make wonderful garden planters.  This one has been painted all yellow and has some hanging baskets attached and also painted yellow.  Just line with sphagnum moss and plant with a bright colored flower for contrast.

This display uses purple petunias for a great look. See more bicycles in the garden here.

Frog planter made with tires.

Old tires make whimsical planters. In addition to this fun idea, there are many other ways to incorporate frogs in garden decorations.

From topiary frogs, to statues and planter ornaments, these frog decor ideas will delight both young and young at heart.

This water spout planter uses crystal beads to add a water drop above the plants. So cute and easy to make!

As soon as I found this water spout planter at TJ Maxx, I knew that it needed a stream of water.  It turned out so cute and took only a few minutes.

Coffee Pot Terrarium and a cup of coffee

How about a cup of home decor?  Recycle an old coffee pot carafe into a fun coffee pot terrarium.  It is simple to do and is the perfect way to control humidity and watering tasks.

Recycle an old tire by painting it and making it into a tea cup.

Got a couple of old tires? (small ones like old wheel barrow tires work best, so that you can find a plant saucer to suit the size)  Cut off the rim of one and paint it with spray paint.

Use the other tire as a handle and attach with some heavy duty glue.  Add a large plant saucer and you have a huge tea cup all ready to be planted.

I’m not usually fond of tires in the garden, but I love this idea.

Bicycle in the air inn a garden.

This photo was shot during a recent visit to Tizer Botanic Garden in Montana. The entire garden is full of whimsical and creative ideas for using garden art.

Find out more about his whimsical botanic garden here.

A tea cup and saucer glued to a glass serving dis makes a great garden planter

This is a sweet idea.  All you need are a few supplies: You may have many of these at home already.

  • white dinner plate
  • floral teacup and saucer
  • Glass candy dish
  • heavy duty glue
  • pebbles
  • potting soil

Glue the teacup to the saucer and allow to dry. Then glue these pieces to a large white dinner plate.  Turn over the glass serving dish and glue the top pieces to it and allow the whole thing to set.

Fill the bottom of the tea cup with a layer of pebbles, add some potting soil and then your plant.  Voila!  A very romantic looking planter.

Spray and old watering can purple and plant with pretty flowers for easy garden art

I love the way the color of the planter and flowers match for a wonderful pop of color. Just spray an old watering can with a glossy finish Purple Rustoleum spray paint.(great for outdoor use.)

Add your potting soil and plant with purple flowers.   Takes just minutes to make and looks fabulous.

Watering cans can be used in so many ways in the garden. They make great planters and also look great used as garden decor. See more inspiration for watering can garden art.

Arrange terracotta pots in the shame of a seated man and dog for a wonderful display of garden art

How cute are these guys? This one will take longer to make but is worth the time.  The man is made with two large terra cotta pots for the body, a medium sized pot for the head and two sizes of smaller pots for the arms and legs.

Heavy gauge wire through the holes in the pots will make them easy to form into arms and legs. Plant the top pot with a grassy plant, add some shoes and arrange him on a seat.

Fill latex gloves with Portland cement, let dry and add to the ends of the arms. Just adorable.  The dog is done in a similar way.  I love his plant pot tail!

Hang galvanized watering cans from an overhead trellis for an interesting patio ceiling

What a lovely rustic look for a sunroom or patio with a pergola.  Just add some grape vines and hang old rustic watering cans from a trellis.  Makes a super looking ceiling.

Hose pots are expensive. We transformed a $30 galvanized tub into a lovely pot to hid my hose that looks fabulous in the garden

Have you checked out the price of hose pots lately?  They can be well over $100!

My husband and I transformed an old galvanized pot that we found for $29 into a great looking and functional hose pot in just an afternoon. See the tutorial here.

This sweet planter is made with burlap, jute and ribbon and planted with a succulent

Take a clear glass jar and wrap the rim of it with heavy jute.  Cut a piece of burlap ribbon and place it around the bottom of the jar and secure with hot glue.

Add a pretty blue bow, a hand made label and fill it with a layer of pebbles, cactus soil and a succulent. Makes a great housewarming gift.

This plant stand was made with a broken bird bath. From trash to treasure.

This garden planter was made out of a broken bird bath that my husband and I found in the woods near our property.

Just a few woodworking tricks and it got turned from trash to treasure.  See the tutorial here.

Fill an old wheelbarrow with potting soil and plant with pretty flowers for a great garden display

This old wheelbarrow has seen its better days. The tire is flat and it is rusted on the frame.

But fill it with some potting soil and add snap dragons and petunias and you have a great looking garden display. See more garden wheelbarrow planter ideas here.

What have you used in your garden to make home made garden art?  I’d love to hear about it in the comments below.

For more creative garden ideas from recycled materials, be sure to check out my Garden Inspirations board on Pinterest.

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