It’s wonderful to watch wild birds in your backyard any time of the year, but if your goal is attracting birds to your yard in winter, there are a few things you’ll need to do to make sure this happens. Thankfully, it’s easy to attract birds to your garden when it’s cold outside! All you …
I asked my Facebook fans to share their Winter Garden Views and also to tell me where they lived so we could all get an idea of how the country looks in January in various parts of the country. The weather outside does not lend itself to gardening right now unless you are fond of growing plants …
It is easy to clean a cement bird bath to make it a safe and fun place for birds to enjoy. All you need are a few common supplies and minutes of your time. After a long summer of use, a bird bath can be getting pretty grimy this time of the year. Algae grows …
April 14 is National Gardening Day. That means it is time to start thinking about ways to get your garden ready with these spring garden tips. Winter is hard on a garden and spring brings with it a host of tasks that need taking care of. With spring right around the corner and daylight savings soon …
Our summer vacation this year was a mainly tour of Historic Homes and Botanical Gardens in 7 Eastern and Midwest States. But while we were in Ohio, we stopped into the Cleveland Zoo and spent a few hours admiring the animals. This big zoo houses 3,000 animals of over 600 species on abut 180 acres …
If you want to attract hummingbirds to your garden, there are a few things that you should keep in mind when planting. The right type of flowers and color are the key to attracting these beauties. There is nothing quite like the sight of hummingbirds around a feeder, fluttering their wings the way only hummingbirds …
These early spring garden projects will get a jump start on your garden and will get you outside too! From lawn care ideas to tips for growing perennials in the spring, i’ve got you covered. I know that in most parts of the country, the ground is still covered with snow, but as any good …
The birds that visit your backyard are a part of the whole ecosystem. The Importance of bird houses can’t be understated if you want to attract birds to your yard. Having a home for your feathered friends adds some interest to your yard and makes sure the birds will keep visiting. There are also many …
Facebook has so many great pages devoted to gardening, but the way the site now shows the content of pages, it is sometimes hard for them to get seen on news feeds. Facebook is one of the most popular of the social media channels. I thought it would be fun for the Garden Charmers (a …
Some of you may remember that I made a boxwood wreath for the first time in December last year for Christmas. I’ve long since removed the Christmas decorations but left it hanging and it has started to dry out. I decided to re-purpose it into a bird feeder for my backyard test garden. My husband …
We had visitors from the UK recently and spent a day at the North Carolina Zoo, in Ashville, NC. The zoo is divided into two parts – North America and African animals. We spent our time at the African animal exhibits since we all wanted to see the large wild animals not on our continent. …