White bugs are a problem for many gardeners who like to grow houseplants. There are several would-be plant bugs, but a common one is mealybugs on plants. If you have discovered what looks like a white fuzzy coating on the stems and leaves of your succulents or other indoor plants, it is likely that you …
The tobacco hornworm is a voracious eater that can do a great deal of damage in a flower or vegetable garden. It is a pest in the family Solanaceae. The tobacco hornworm is quite commonly seen in the southern United States, especially the Gulf Coast States. Its range extends northward as far as New York. Caterpillars …
Trying to control squash bugs can seem like an insurmountable task when you find them in your vegetable garden. If you grow zucchini or squash, you may be familiar with trying to deal with a squash bug infestation. These bugs can do a huge amount of damage, particularly to new plants. Young seedlings and plants …
If ants are invading your home and you don’t want to use retail products, home made Borax Ant Killers may be the answer, but how effective are they? I decided to test five of them to find out! Using more organic ant killer remedies is something that many environmentally conscious homemakers have an interest in. …
There are dozens of vinegar uses in the home. From soaking your sponges to keeping your counters free of ants, this product is a must have. Vinegar is a versatile and effective household product that is more useful than just for making salad dressing. There are many vinegar uses around the house and garden. One of the …
I, for one, and many of my gardening friends have noted the declining bee population. And those that do visit our yards are the bumble bees, rather than honey bees. With all the talk of GMOs, pesticides and large scale farming, one has to ask the question “How important are bees to our Food Supply and to …
Critters in the garden range from beneficial to invasive. Some actually are listed by the US Department of Agriculture as invasive pests that need to be controlled. See my tips for dealing with these unwanted bugs. This post was sponsored on behalf of the United States Department of Agriculture – Animal and Plant Health Inspection …
Mother Nature has the perfect answer for summer bugs- mosquito repelling plants! We can grow annuals, perennials and herbs that will keep the bugs away naturally. With summer comes lots of outdoor living. Sadly, that can mean lots of mosquitoes. I don’t like to use chemical products so this natural solution is great for keeping …
It is ant season again! You can kill ants with various home remedies, but are there are lots of other things that you can do to keep ants out of the house? As soon as the weather starts to heat up, and particularly after a warm rainy day, ants decide that indoors is a good …
These natural ant killer remedies will help to control the ants in your home in a non toxic way. I am so looking forward to the return of warm weather. With the sunny days come flowers, gardening and time spent outdoors. Unfortunately, with the warm weather also come ants! It is fun for kids to …
Facebook has so many great pages devoted to gardening, but the way the site now shows the content of pages, it is sometimes hard for them to get seen on news feeds. Facebook is one of the most popular of the social media channels. I thought it would be fun for the Garden Charmers (a …
I love to feature photos from some of the fans of my Facebook page. Today I’ll be featuring the lovely butterfly and insect photos of a fan named Tamara. Fans of my Facebook page love to submit photos of their gardens and projects for me to consider for this website and The Facebook page – …
We all know that gardens need bees for pollination but so many other garden insects will find their way into a garden too. Just provide them with flowers and leaves, and they will seem to find us! There is nothing like wandering around in my garden and seeing the wildlife in the form of insects …