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Butternut Pumpkin by the Buckets in my Garden

Butternut pumpkin (also known as butternut squash) is one of my favorite fall vegetables.

Cooking this vegetable in the oven brings out the sweetness in it.  It looks as though it will be the star of my vegetable garden this year!

Butternut pumpkins can be cooked so many ways. I love to roast them, and also to make soup with them.

The skin and flesh of butternut pumpkins are like other pumpkins, which makes them perfect for carving into unusual designs. See my tips for carving pumpkins here.

An added bonus is that this variety of squash is thought to be resistant to squash bugs which can devastate a garden.

Butternut squash

Butternut Pumpkin will be a major player in my garden this year.

I planted a 6 x 6 foot mound of butternut pumpkin and acorn squash seeds. 

I dropped in a few seeds every 12 inches or so, added compost and just watered. That was in Mid March.My butternut pumpkin patch

The patch is enormous now (mid June), has huge flowers growing in it which are really attracting the bees.

There are so many small butternuts growing that I am sure to get a huge harvest of them this year. (no sign yet of the acorn squashes.)

Below are some photos of the patch and of the “babies.”  Some of those babies are already 8 inches long, and there are many more forming.

butternut pumpkin 

Growing Butternut Pumpkins

This type of pumpkin is smooth skinned and bright orange. It is a great candidate in my list of pumpkins to carve. Here is how to grow them.

Sunlight and watering needs for butternut pumpkins

They need rich, warm and fertile soil.  I amended mine with lots of compost.

Water regularly to keep evenly moist.

butternut pumpkin

Tips for planting

Plant a few seeds in each hole about a foot apart.  I grow mine on a mound so that the vines drape over it a bit and are easier to manage.

Add more organic matter  or compost as they start to grow.

Butternut pumpkin has a long growing time until harvest. Plant it early to make sure that you will have ripe fruits before first frost.

Harvesting and storing butternut pumpkins

When you harvest, allow a small piece of the stem to stay attached.

Store the butternut squash in a single layer in a room with a temp of between 50-55 degrees F.  You can can, freeze or use them fresh.

butternut pumpkins

They will keep for months if stored this way.butternut pumpkins

Recipes using butternut pumpkin

The flavor of butternut pumpkin is rich and creamy. It is naturally sweet and roasting brings out this flavor. It is also nice sauteed in stir fry and boiled and mashed with butter and pepper.

Try one of these recipes for your harvest:


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