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7 days of Cocktails – Refreshing Drinks

It’s cocktail hour!   There is nothing quite like relaxing with a tasty cocktail at the end of a long day.

And it is getting to that time of the year when you can do it on a lawn chair overlooking your back garden.

Do you have the same sort of drink that is your favorite, or do you like to try new cocktails? Why not try one of these? 

A week of great cocktail recipes.I have put together a collection of seven different cocktail recipes – one for each day of the week.

Just click on any of the pictures to go to the recipes.

Frozen strawberry daiquiri with ice and lime.

Frozen strawberry daiquiri



Candy Cane Cooler

Candy Cane Cooler

Non alcoholic Watermelon and Cream Refresher

Non alcoholic Watermelon and Cream Refresher

Cucumber and cilantro martini

Cucumber and cilantro martini

Lemon Grass Strawberry Daiquiri

Lemon Grass Strawberry Daiquiri

Sparkling Grapefruit Sangria.

Sparkling Grapefruit Sangria.


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